Professional help and medication do help, but there are things you can do yourself to reduce the problem.
Google is Your Griend.
You’ve started the process with this report; now continue by using Google and books to find out everything you can about panic. Read all the information you can get your hands on about panic disorders, what the brain is doing when you are panicking, about anxiety and how the flight or fight response causes a biological reaction that induces the panic attack. Knowing it’s something caused by a very natural chemical process can help you stop feeling like there is something wrong with you that is unfixable or strange.
Reduce Your use of Stimulants
We’ve talked about the impact of alcohol, caffeine and sugar on people who suffer panic attacks. Smoking is also known to trigger the symptoms of a panic attack as it narrows the blood flow and increases your levels of adrenaline. Avoiding these things will stop them from affecting the existing chemical balance in your mind.
It is a good idea to check if any medications you are prescribed contain stimulants. Even cold and flu medication can often contain large amounts of stimulants that will kick start a panic attack, as do some diet pills.
Yoga - Your Way Out
Yoga, tai chi and Pilates not only help you shape and define your body, but make you focus on relaxing and your general body awareness. Mediation and massage also help relax the muscles and reduce the tension we can so easily build up before a panic attack. Add some sort of relaxation into your day every day. Make it part of your every day process. At the very least your body will thank you for it.
Breathe-in, Breathe-out.
Learning some good breathing techniques helps you to reduce that light headed feeling that hyperventilation brings. A lightheaded feeling and a tight sensation in the chest are often the worst parts of a panic attack as you feel your heart is going to give out or you are going to faint. Deep, slow breathing can reduce the sensations of panic in your body. It can also help you to focus on your breath instead of the thoughts spiraling out of control in your mind. It helps you ride the waves of panic and feel in control of it, and you can eventually stop the cycle from reaching that unbearable stage.
11- Free Yourself from Panic Attacks: Getting Your Breathing Under Control
1- Free Yourself from Panic Attacks
2- Free Yourself from Panic Attacks: What Are the Physical Signs?
3- Free Yourself from Panic Attacks: What Are the Symptoms
4- Free Yourself from Panic Attacks: What Causes a Panic Attack?
5- Free Yourself from Panic Attacks: Stress Can Trigger a Panic Attacks
6- Free Yourself from Panic Attacks: Removing the Panic Attack Worries
7- Free Yourself from Panic Attacks: When it’s Agoraphobia
8- Free Yourself from Panic Attacks:Foods That Can Make You Panic
9- Free Yourself from Panic Attacks Will I Need Medication?