3- Free Yourself from Panic Attacks: What Are the Symptoms

Researchers are still unsure what causes panic attacks. However if other family members have suffered from them, there is a stronger likelihood that you too may do so. Stress of course can also play a large factor with panic attacks often first appearing at times of great change such as getting married, having a child, moving homes, financial stress or changing career. Sudden changes that are out of your control such as the death of someone close to you, a marriage breakup or redundancy can also trigger a panic attack, particularly if there were additional stressors ongoing at the same time.

If you have a close relative who is bipolar or suffers from depression that can also increase your chances of suffering from a panic attack.

However there are several physical ailments and conditions that can also share the same physical feelings as a panic attack. It is a very good idea to check these things are not causing your panicked feelings.

 Mitral valve prolapse. This is when one of the heart valves does not close off properly. It is not a major condition but should be diagnosed and treated to prevent further complications.

Tachycardia. You may experience a raised heart rate due to a tachycardia attack. This may be a symptom of another heart related syndrome and your doctor will probably suggest an ECG to check for any illegalities.

Hyperthyroidism. This is also often accompanied with a loss of appetite and weight loss. This can be checked with a simple blood test and is treatable. Hyperthyroidism is caused by an over active thyroid.

Hypoglycemia. A very low blood sugar count can send your body into overdrive as it tries to protect the brain and keeps it functioning. This can also be a precursor to diabetes. A test of your glucose tolerance can help earmark whether this could be an issue for you.

Overuse of stimulants. Anything that artificially increases the heart rate such as too many coffees and energy drinks, illegal drugs such as cocaine, or the use of amphetamines can cause you to display some of the same characteristics.

Adjusting to a change of medication. If you’ve been on a course of medication for a length of time and then taken yourself off it, sometimes there can be a physical reaction as your brain adjusts to the different chemicals in your body. If you are on a medication long term, consult your doctor before coming off it as they ma have some suggestions on how to provide your body with the best way to have little to no reaction to the change.

Running on empty. If you live in a constant state of flux, with high stress levels you may be suffering from adrenal failure which can trigger panic attacks. Adrenal failure is a growing problem in today’s busy life and can lead to hyperthyroidism and other complications if not treated.

Depression can bring on panic attacks. It’s important to look at the whole range of feelings and symptoms you are dealing with. While it is possible to alter your behavior, and learn
simple methods to cope, it is equally as important to ensure you receive the correct medication to help you while you learn these methods if necessary.

 4- Free Yourself from Panic Attacks: What Causes a Panic Attack?

Special Edition:Free Yourself from Panic Attacks
1- Free Yourself from Panic Attacks
2- Free Yourself from Panic Attacks: What Are the Physical Signs?