How To Reduce Stress: 3 Relaxation Techniques For Reducing Stress

By Ricky P.O'.Shea

There are a number of different relaxation techniques that can help you reduce stress. In fact anything that "relaxes" you can be considered an effective tool for reducing stress. You see there's more to relaxing than just unwinding and finding piece of mind, it's a process that helps to restore both the mind and body and lessens the burden of daily life.

It doesn't matter if you're really feeling the crippling strains of stress or whether you're just looking for some temporary relief and trying to ease your mind of worry, you'll find applying meditation and related relaxation techniques can have a significant impact on your ability to manage stress and alleviate your mind of your daily worries.

It really isn't that difficult to get started with meditation and associated practices, it's a process and the journey that counts not necessarily the end result. Remember we all have different worries and stresses, most though don't take that much needed time-out to address these concerns! The first step in combating stress is to acknowledge it and allow time to make a few simple changes and make room for a few relaxation techniques.

The following are a few relaxation techniques to help you relieve stress and find peace of mind..

Controlled Breathing
Breathing has long been known and used as an effective means for reducing stress and anxiety. A common example of this is a doctor recommending to a patient to "hyper-ventilate" whenever they experience a panic attack.

For some reason a well oxygenated blood supply has a natural calming effect on both the mind and body. Now there's no need to hyper-ventilate just because you're feeling stressed out and frustrated but taking control of your breathing and taking deep. slow breathes can have a positive impact and help to calm your mind almost instantaneously.

* To practice controlled breathe through your belly and not your chest and focus on filling your diaphragm with oxygen.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Progressive muscle relaxation is a process where you consciously go through each group of muscles and tense and relax them to help relieve any built up tension within the body. This is a great technique for those who have demanding office jobs and don't find the time to relieve stress through regular exercise.
When you're feeling stressed take some time to practice progressive muscle relaxation. Experts recommend starting from the feet and working your way up through the body. This technique can be practiced anywhere, even if you're in the office at work just moving your feet in a circular motion constitutes progressive muscle relaxation.

Feng Shui
Have you ever heard of Feng Shui? Do you know what Feng Shui is?
Feng Shui is an ancient tradition that originated in the orient (Japan I think) that centers on filling your home and life with peace and tranquility through nature. It's difficult to explain but Feng Shui focuses on bringing the outdoors, indoors! The idea is to fill your home with things such as plants, colors that represent peace and tranquility and other aspects of nature such as the sound of running water.
Feng Shui also emphasizes promoting a minimal and clutter-less home so that you can relax and unwind. It's hard to unwind at home if it's organized chaos right? You can take Feng Shui as far as you like, each to their own but it is definitely one ancient technique for relaxing worth considering for reducing stress and promoting peace in your life.

There are many ways to naturally alleviate stress, far to many people rely on prescriptions and other pick me ups when the only form of treatment required are natural treatments. Learn to become more aware of your stress and slowly incorporate a few natural coping mechanisms for stress and you'll soon be feeling a whole lot calmer.

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