Easy Exercise Plans

By Joshua J.Kozak

Numerous people try to avoid workouts for a variety of reasons. A large number of people claim that they are too busy to exercise. Others say that they become tired easily while exercising or exercise is painful. However, by designing an easy exercise plan, you can overcome the common obstacles to exercise.

Regular exercise improves the quality of your life. It helps to maintain healthy body weight, boosts stamina, reduces anxiety and improves your appearance. To realize the benefits of regular workouts, you need about 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activities, at least five times week.

Easy Exercise Plan
At-Home Workouts
You may be too busy to go to a gym. However, you can find sufficient time for physical activities at home. Moreover, home workouts are inexpensive. Without investing in expensive fitness equipment, you can exercise in the comforts of your home. Effective cardio workouts such as jogging at a stationary position and jumping rope, and strength training such as push-ups, squats, bench dips, abdominal crunches can be performed at home. You will burn significant amount of calories even by cleaning the house and mowing the lawn.

Exercise on the go
Brisk walking is a great cardio exercise that can be done any time. Instead of traveling in cars and buses, consider walking as much as possible. Consider getting off from the bus one or two blocks early, or park your car at the farthest end of the parking lot so that you can walk for a few minutes. Avoid the elevator and climb the stairs. Including these common physical activities in your day-to-day life will help to burn fats.
Exercise While Watching TV

Instead of becoming a couch potato, exercise while watching your favorite programs on TV. You can do push-ups and weight training while watching TV.

Exercises You Enjoy
To avoid boredom, do activities you enjoy doing. Instead of sticking to the same exercise schedule, combine a variety of physical activities. Instead of exercising alone, consider joining aerobic or cardio classes where you can exercise with others. You can even workout with your friends and family.

Comfortable Activities
People who have not exercised before should include easy exercises in their fitness regimen. Common aerobic activities such as running, swimming and cycling help to improve endurance. Strength training helps to strengthen muscles and facilitates lean muscle growth. As you become accustomed to your fitness program, gradually increase the duration and the difficulty level of the workout.

Joshua "Coach" Kozak has been a fixture in the world of health and fitness for over 10 years.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com