Slowing Your Metabolism - 2 Musts To Avoid

By Annette M.Silvernale

Do these two very simple things to keep from slowing your metabolism down. If you do these two things daily, you will promote fat oxidation, which is the burning of stored fat as energy.

First and EASIEST, drink water instead of caloric drinks.

Second, keep your insulin levels low throughout the day by eating foods that have low glycemic levels. This will also help you to keep from slowing your metabolism down.

Use the glycemic index (GI) to avoid slowing your metabolism down. The glycemic index tells you how fast your blood sugar levels rise after eating a certain type of food. The lower the glycemic index number, the better, meaning the slower the blood sugar level rises. The glycemic index is relative to the consumption of pure glucose, which has a glycemic index of 100. Using the glycemic index of foods can help you tremendously in preventing the slowing down of your metabolism.

Eat foods that are in the middle (31) of the medium range (56-69) or lower. The low glycemic range is 55 or less. If you eat lower glycemic foods as well as drink non-caloric drinks, you will EASILY avoid slowing your metabolism down.

When it comes to slowing down or speeding up your metabolism immediately, these suggestions will help. Some foods that are low glycemic are black beans, oats, rice, barley, most vegetables (not corn or potatoes), and most fruits like berries and peaches. Some mid-range medium glycemic foods are pita bread, unpeeled boiled potatoes and under-ripe bananas.

You stop fat breakdown and fat oxidation, slowing your metabolism down, whenever your insulin and blood sugar levels are elevated because insulin inhibits the enzymes responsible for breaking down fat so it can be burned for energy. If it can't be used for energy, the body stores the fat.

Carbohydrates in BOTH your drinks and the food you eat contribute to your insulin response. People generally don't eat fewer calories when drinking caloric drinks, so by simply drinking pure water instead caloric drinks, you can considerably decrease the effect your drinks have on slowing your metabolism.

After eating a meal, it's normal for fat oxidation to be lower than a couple of hours after eating. If you want to keep that period of time to a minimum before your body begins burning fat again, just drink water with your meal, and you'll avoid slowing your metabolism.

You will not only avoid slowing your metabolism but will SPEED UP your metabolism and burn fat!

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