7- Healthy Weight Loss for Teens: Conclusion

By B.Zniber

There are number of ways to help a teen to cope with their obesity, as well as helping them lose weight safely.

Often, obesity treatment programs which have been devised for teens rarely have weight loss as a goal, but rather they aim to slow or halt any weight gain so the teen will grow into their body weight over the next few months or years. It is estimated that for every 20% excess body weight a teen has, they will need about 1½ years weight maintenance to obtain their ideal body weight.

So, early and appropriate intervention on the part of the parent is particularly valuable.
Modifying a teen's eating and exercise habits is much easier to do than with an adult.
The three forms of intervention that a parent could use are:

Physical Activity
By adopting a formal exercise program, or just simply becoming more active, you help burn fat and increase the amount of energy a teen expends. Studies have shown that exercise, as well as one of the other form of intervention, is a successful way to help a teen lose weight safely.

It is advisable that you do not allow your teen to fast or drastically reduce their calorie intake.
Not only is this way of losing weight psychologically stressful on them, but it may adversely affect their growth. Make sure they have a balanced diet, with moderate restrictions on the amount of calories they consume.

Your teen may need to be educated on the nutritional values of foods so they are aware of what foods are most beneficial for them.

Modification of a Teens Behavior
There are many behavioral strategies that are used on adults, which can be successfully applied to teens, such as:

1. Self monitoring and recording the food they eat
2. Increased physical activity
3. Slowing the rate at which they eat their food
4. Limiting the time and place they eat
5. Provide them with rewards and incentives

Hopefully you are inspired to help your teen with any weight issues they have. However, it is easier to prevent a teen from being overweight, than it is to treat it.

Where prevention is concerned, it focuses on educating the parents about providing their children with a good nutritional diet and plenty of physical activity. It's also important to help teens build their self esteem, and address any psychological issues that they have.               The End

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  0-Special Edition:Healthy Weight Loss for Teens 

   1- Introduction 
   2- The Family-Inactivity-Heredity-Psychological Issues
   3-Parenting Your Overweight Teen and Improving Their Self Esteem
   4-Advice for Helping Teens Lose Weight
   5-Simple Rules For Safe Weight Loss
   6- When the pendulum swings too far