How to Lose Weight Fast and Easily? Helpful Weight Loss Tips

By Peter Skotnicky

When it comes to weight loss, we all want to lose weight fast and easy -- if we have some to lose. However, that can be a difficult proposition, since most "quick and easy" weight-loss plans are also pretty unhealthy.

There is one, however, that can indeed help you lose weight fast and easy, yet stay healthy at the same time.
It's not a secret that these days, fully two thirds of us are either overweight or obese, and that number is growing every day. Something needs to be done to make sure that so many of us who are overweight can get back to normal weights, especially because carrying extra weight around can cause its own health problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and a myriad of other health problems.

Unfortunately, many of us don't have the time or attention span to do what most conscientious weight-loss programs tell us to do; that is, cut calories sensibly, exercise, eat healthily and in moderation, and so on. We all want quick and easy weight loss, but even though there are plenty of diets out there that promise this, most of them aren't safe. And in fact, our propensity to diet in this country has probably made us fatter. Let's take a moment to talk about why.

Your metabolism

Your metabolism is the "engine" that burns up the fuel you feed it, namely, food and in some cases fat stores. Your metabolism is necessary to keep you functioning, living and breathing. Unfortunately, when we diet, and when we cut our calories to below a certain level, our metabolisms adjust to account for that. You see, metabolisms have a function built into them where when you cut calories, your metabolism goes, "Famine! I'd better slow down." And so, when you cut calories, your metabolism drops to help you get through this "famine." That's a left over survival mechanism from when our ancestors really did suffer from famine, and it was great; it helped people survive until there was enough food again.

However, we don't need that. Unfortunately, metabolisms don't know that, so they drop, too, when we diet. And what does that mean? You guessed it; you can gain weight on FEWER calories than you consumed previously before you went on a diet. And that's a big part of the reason, some experts say, as to why this country has become so fat. We're always on a diet and therefore ruining our metabolisms en masse.

What is that mean for us, though? Does that mean we have no hope of being able to lose weight fast and easy? No, and in fact, there's a sensible weight-loss program out there that can help with weight loss -- without deprivation, without feeling hungry, and without subjecting your metabolism to a beating.

It's called Fat Loss 4 Idiots, and it perfectly addresses and takes care of the reasons most diets fail. You eat often so that your metabolism doesn't slow down, and you eat enough so that you are just short of full, every 2 1/2 hours during the day. You focus on lean, healthy proteins, fruits and vegetables, and some complex carbohydrates in moderation.

Now, certain foods are "forbidden" on this diet, but not forever. That is, you follow this diet for 11 days, and then you can take three days off to eat whatever you want. Pretty cool, right? So you never have to feel deprived for long. And best of all, this diet promises that you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days. That's a pretty simple thing, to have "11 days on, three days off" until you lose the weight you want to. And in fact, if you want to, you can keep following this diet (in some moderation if you don't want to lose any more weight) to keep the weight off.

This is an easy fat loss method to get started with as well and provides an easy structured plan to help shed the extra fat you want to lose!

Check this simple, affordable plan designed to leave you satisfied and eating delicious foods while you lose weight without hard exercise.

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