A Mud Run Saved Me

By Kevin M.Wood

I consider myself a non-competitive distance runner. What exactly does that mean? Well, I primarily run for fun, only competing against myself. I don't care if I finish 1st, 2nd, 53rd, or 85th. As long as I cross the finish line, knowing that I have given it my all, I am 100% satisfied with my effort.

A couple of years ago, the above wasn't working for me anymore. I would enter a 5K or 10K race, cross the finish line and the sense of accomplishment just wasn't there. I am not sure what happened or why, but I knew I needed to find another fitness hobby to stay in shape.

One day over a lunch, I was talking about this with a good friend of mine and he looked at me and smiled. The next thing I knew, I was signing up for my first mud run: Tough Mudder Tampa.

Whenever I am about to try something new, I immediately research it so that I am 100% sure of what I am getting into. I Googled the website and looked over the route and obstacles. After this initial inspection, I knew that mud runs and obstacle course racing would be my fitness salvation.

First things first, I began to weight train. I focused on upper body, core, and leg strength. I wasn't exactly worried about the length of the course (12.1 miles) since I have run that distance before and knew I would have time to rest as I approached each obstacle.

After three months of training and one long car ride to the site of the mud run, I found myself at the starting line with my buddy and a few other friends. The first major difference between mud runs and traditional running, that I noticed, was that teamwork was crucial to your success. Yes, you can do a mud run or obstacle course race by yourself, but you cannot complete the course without the help of your fellow competitors.

After two and half hours, all of us crossed the finished line, hand and hand, greeted with an orange headband and a cold beer.

After this experience, I now commit to at least 3 to 4 of these events every year. Another benefit from participating in mud runs and obstacle course races is that my training has been reinvigorated; my distance running has improved, strength has increased, and I am more flexible.

If you are like the old me, finding yourself growing tired of the same normal training regime and traditional 5Ks, 10Ks, or half marathons, you should sign up for a mud run. I guarantee that these races will change you for the better.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/