Drinking Green Tea to Lose Weight

By Keith Ireland

To lose weight successfully we need to be doing everything in our power that will help us to do it. One of the biggest changes I have found that allows me to lose weight is changing what I drink throughout the day. I use to drink lots and lots of fizzy soda drinks and caffeine. But I have since swapped this to plain water. But I recently heard that you can drink green tea to lose weight, so each day I would prepare a few liters of green tea which I would drink throughout the day. By drinking the green tea my metabolism has increased which has helped me to lose over 35 pounds of body weight so far this year.

There have been several studies into whether or not green tea can make you lose weight and these studies have shown that it can increase the metabolism by around 4%. I know this doesn't sound like a lot, but if your daily calorie intake was 2500 calories 4 % of this amount is 250 calories. Multiply this by 365 (days) and you get 89,000 calories which divided into a 3500 calories ( one pound of fat) equals 25 pounds.
That's a 25 pound weight loss for the year just by drinking green tea, losing weight successfully isn't easy so you need everything in your arsenal to achieve weight loss success. Drinking green tea is definitely something that you should be doing to increase your metabolism which will help you to lose weight.

One thing that you need to remember though is to lose weight you must follow a healthy and balanced diet which is low in calories and high in protein and complex carbohydrates. Follow this with an exercise program which combines cardio exercise with weight training and you will quickly be on your way to losing weight. If you just think that you can start drinking green tea to lose weight, think again, you need to make a plan and stick to your plan to see the results that you are looking for.

Keith Ireland runs a very popular weight loss blog. In which he documents how he has achieved to lose weight and also lower his body fat percentage, weight loss and muscle building tips.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com