7- Free Yourself from Panic Attacks: When it’s Agoraphobia

Left untreated panic attacks occurring on a regular basis can develop into agoraphobia. It’s one of the reasons why it’s good to seek treatment as early as possible.

Agoraphobia kicks in when a person suffering for panic attacks starts to worry about having one in a public place where they are unable to hide the effects of it from others. It may be a place they can not easily escape from, or where people may easily notice them. Approximately thirty percent of panic attack sufferers develop agoraphobia.

Are you at risk of developing agoraphobia? If you have experienced some of the following symptoms, it is advisable to go have a chat to your doctor about whether agoraphobia is a potential problem for you.
Agoraphobics are afraid of the following:

*Being in an open place. You feel exposed and vulnerable when you don’t have clearly defined physical boundaries.

* Entering public places, go shopping or be part of a crowd. It can almost feel the adverse of agoraphobic with a sense that everything is closing in and feeling stifling. Escape is the only thing you want.

*Traveling in planes, busses and trains where you are part of the crowd.

*Being in a lift or on a bridge. Anything that can not be escaped from easily.

*A café, movie theatre or restaurant that you can not walk out of whenever you want to.

*Any location that is unfamiliar and different. Many agoraphobics become virtual recluses, preferring to stay at home where everything is more easily controlled.

People who suffer from panic attacks can also develop other phobias or OCD. These fears are developed when your mind naturally wants to avoid those foods or types of exercise or behaviors that you feel may be setting your panic attacks off. This in turn creates a greater likelihood of fresh panic attacks if you are placed in front of these stimuli.

8- Free Yourself from Panic Attacks:Foods That Can Make You Panic 

1- Free Yourself from Panic Attacks
2- Free Yourself from Panic Attacks: What Are the Physical Signs?
3- Free Yourself from Panic Attacks: What Are the Symptoms
4- Free Yourself from Panic Attacks: What Causes a Panic Attack?
5- Free Yourself from Panic Attacks: Stress Can Trigger a Panic Attacks
6- Free Yourself from Panic Attacks: Removing the Panic Attack Worries