Diabetic Complications During Pregnancy

By Reham Lotfy Hassan

With proper planning, you can have a normal pregnancy and a healthy baby. The most important thing is to keep the glucose level as your doctor has recommended and strict control over the A1C goal for several months before becoming pregnant.

Risks to the fetus
The blood glucose level generally does not cause health problems for the baby. However, an occasional episode of high blood glucose can affect you and it is important to note that the first trimester is a critical time for the development of fetal health.

There is an increased risk of miscarriage during the first three months of pregnancy. If the mother has high blood sugar levels, the fetus may develop breathing problems or deformities in the spine, skeleton, kidneys, heart and / or circulatory system.

From the fourth to the ninth month, the main risks are a large baby (known as macrosomia) or stillbirth. About 30% of babies born to diabetic mothers have macrosomia. However, apart from their size, these babies are usually healthy.

Risks to the mother
• Vision and renal complications vision problems due to retinopathy can worsen during pregnancy. Additionally, severe women suffer from hypertension in the third trimester of pregnancy. Keeping the blood glucose level and strict control before and during pregnancy can help prevent these complications.
• Problems during birth if the baby is larger than normal, this can give an early birth or cause a cesarean delivery.
• Hypoglycemia; this doesn't harm the baby, but repeated episodes of hypoglycemia may lead to complications in the health of the mother.

Tips during Pregnancy
First: Keep your blood glucose before and during pregnancy normal to protect the health and welfare of the baby. The level of glucose and A1C should be controlled for a few months before being pregnant.

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends that women achieve the following glucose levels:
• Blood glucose 80-110 mg / dL before meals.
• Blood glucose less than 155 mg / dL two hours after meals.
• During the period before conception and the first trimester, obtain the lowest possible level of A1C.

Second: During pregnancy, your doctor will check your A1C level more frequently. Your target can be achieving A1C less than 6%.

Third: You should visit your doctor and get ultrasounds more frequently than women without diabetes. These controls ensure a healthy pregnancy.

In conclusion; watching your blood sugar on regular basis can save you and your baby a lot of serious problems.

I am a dentist and a medical writer.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com