Let Nature Be The Cure For Diabetes

By RP Bhalla

According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), there are 18.2 million people in the United States, or 6.3% of the population, who have diabetes. While an estimated 13 million have been diagnosed with diabetes, unfortunately, 5.2 million people are unaware that they have the disease. This undiagnosed population accounts for about $18 billion in health care costs annually, the study shows.

That a large number of potential diabetics may escape scrutiny in western countries is not unusual when you consider that the figures in the developing countries are much higher. Diabetes being rampant world wide, surveys and statistics seldom tell the true story.

In an effort to improve the situation, new recommendations have been issued calling for changes in the way diabetes is detected and diagnosed. The guidelines were developed by an international panel of experts and have been endorsed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). For the first time, all adults are being urged to undergo a blood test for diabetes by age 45 and have additional tests every three years, thereafter. Previously, only people who doctors suspected of having diabetes, were screened.

"Potentially, there are 1 to 2 million people in the population who could be diagnosed using this criteria," said Dr. Richard Eastman of the NIH. "We think that many more will be diagnosed, since it's a relatively easy test to perform on routine blood work done in a doctor's office."

Millions of Americans may have chronic kidney disease (CKD) and not know it, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Clinical Journal of the American Society Nephrology. "Our research indicates that much of this burden in the U.S. is in persons with pre-diabetes and undiagnosed diabetes, who are not being screened for CKD," comments Laura C. Plantinga, M.Sc, University of California, San Francisco. The researchers believe that broader screening may be needed to detect patients with these two "relatively silent yet harmful diseases."

Those harboring even the slightest suspicion about their condition should remember that diabetes, as a disease, is neither forgiving nor discriminating. Don't mislead yourself into believing that those early symptoms, no matter how innocuous, could be "just one of those things." Because, if the symptoms are genuine, there is no escape from the consequences. And it matters little whether you are a middle-aged man or woman, or a five year old toddler.

Common symptoms of diabetes are fatigue, frequent hunger, excessive thirst and a frequent need to urinate. It can also cause blurred vision, a dry mouth and dry or itchy skin. And a recurring weight loss. Go in for treatment immediately, as on the long run, it can lead to a heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, a loss in vision and damage to the nervous system.

Strictly speaking, there is no cure for diabetes in the western form of medicine. The "treatment" as the word is referred to in context of diabetic patients will consist of chemicals, pharmaceutical drugs and injections. This is to manage your sugar levels within stipulated levels artificially, and is a life long process. In reality, this medication is designed more to control the symptoms than to address the disease permanently.

Alternately, nature has provided us with cures that have stood the test of time for hundreds of years. In other words any therapy that relies on the body's own healing powers may be considered a natural cure. These include herbal remedies, diet and water therapies.The cause of diabetes is not just having too little insulin. It is about an organ that is showing the symptoms of dysfunction and is reacting to the effects of an unnatural, harmful diet.

The controlling of blood sugar levels in your system is not as difficult as you are given to believe. It is about giving your body what it needs, and remove the chemicals that block your recovery. Reversing diabetes is quite straightforward when you focus on the root cause of the disease. Nature cure will teach you about managing diabetes, allowing your body to naturally produce insulin resulting in a greater level of health, vitality and energy.

Many herbs and spices possess anti-diabetic properties which can help to manage and reduce the effects of diabetes. Herbs and vegetables like garlic, bitter gourd juice and water with fenugreek soaked in it, can lower blood sugar levels. Exotic spices like ginseng, turmeric and gooseberry can increase the activation of pancreatic cells to increase insulin production. The ADA supports foods that include beans, berries, citrus fruits, dark leafy green vegetables, nuts, tomatoes and cold-water fish.

The search for a safe and effective remedy that could substitute the effect of insulin in controlling blood sugar has resulted in the discovery of a brand new natural cinnamon based supplement in Britain, called Diabecinn. The need for an effective herbal cure like this has never been greater, as the UK is facing a huge increase in the number of cases of diabetes. Conventional anti-diabetic drugs like Metformin can control blood sugar levels effectively but they come with a long list of harmful side effects.

Sadly, the main reasons behind this increase in diabetes is our sedentary lifestyles coupled with our growing reliance on processed and sugar-rich foods. Food giants will become bigger and the big Pharmaceutical companies will have it like never before.

This article is written so that you can take positive steps to protect yourselves. A recent UK government report revealed that 24,000 diabetes deaths a year could be avoided if patients lost excess weight, kept to a healthy diet and were properly informed of all their available treatment options.
R.P. Bhalla is a retired airline captain and an expert on Finance, Social Affairs and Health and Wellness. He writes exclusively on Family, Health and Money matters.


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