The Health Benefits Of Organic Dark Chocolate

By Michelle Howe

Indulging in chocolates is a guilty pleasure for people all over the world. However, not all chocolates are healthy. The health benefits depend on the ingredients used and how they are processed. A product like milk chocolate rates poorly in this regard. Choosing to eat organic dark chocolate is not only pleasurable but can be eaten as part of a healthy diet without any guilt.

These products are made with organic ingredients. For this type of certification a stringent set of production standards for growing, storage, processing, packaging and shipping must be followed. For example, they have to be grown without use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, ionizing radiation or genetically modified organisms.

These bars contain a high quantity of cocoa. The actual percentage of cocoa used is indicated on the wrapper and the higher the better for health reasons. The sweeteners used are mostly unrefined cane sugars. Emulsifiers like soy-lecithin may also be used. There are people who object to emulsifiers and prefer a bar with no emulsifiers and more cocoa butter.

The majority of cocoa is grown in West Africa, much of it coming from Ghana. This is because it does particularly well in an equatorial climate with humidity and enough rainfall. In order to make sure that workers are not exploited, many manufacturers only sell fair trade certified products. This means that trading conditions are controlled, workers are paid fair wages and sustainability is ensured.

Research has revealed that cocoa has a very high level of antioxidants. These are usually found in fruit and vegetables as well as in beverages like tea, coffee and wines. They help to decrease blood pressure and encourage heart health. They prevent tissue and cell damage by absorbing free radicals.

Cocoa beans contain many minerals such as zinc, iron, copper and magnesium. These minerals help to regulate blood pressure and keep the heart healthy. They therefore decrease the risk of many cardiovascular diseases. They can also improve glucose metabolism which decreases the risk of diabetes.

The cocoa bean contains many substances like dopamine and serotonin that work together to alleviate depression. When people say that they love chocolates, they are not far wrong. It contains a substance which produces a brain chemistry that is associated with falling in love.

These products are easier to get hold of now than ever before. They are not only found at health shops but are also available at many websites online. As long as a reputable supplier is selected, going online is often the quickest way to compare products and find the healthiest and tastiest chocolates.

The taste of organic dark chocolate is often surprising to people who are convinced that it will be bitter. They are amazed at the rich, intensity of the taste. Of course ingredients like vanilla may be added to soften the bitterness. Many other ingredients like pure essential oils, fruit and nuts may also be added to produce a very pleasurable taste sensation. You can enjoy it without any guilt.

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