Functions Of A Podiatric Surgeon Austin

By Kathy Kaufman

In the event that you suffer from problems with your ankles or feet, you will more than likely need to see a podiatric surgeon Austin. These practitioners are able to perform surgery on a patient's lower legs if needed. A general surgeon is able to carry out the same operations, but the specialist who deals with podiatry has to understand special surgical techniques which are to the benefit of the patient.

To become a podiatric surgeon Austin, a doctor has to attend medical school, followed by an internship in specialized surgery. The surgeon can choose to take further courses to learn techniques of advanced surgery. Podiatrists focus on conditions of the patient's lower extremities. This includes damage that may have been caused by chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, congenital malformations and trauma to the ankles and the feet. The surgeon is also known as a foot and ankle surgeon and specializes in surgery in those parts of the body.

A podiatric specialist can help patients who suffer from painful bunions that are not being helped by traditional therapy. Bunions are a bony growth on the side of the foot, next to the big toe. This condition can be painful, particularly if there is pressure placed on it by your shoe. The chafing of the shoe will cause inflammation of the area.

Surgical correction of this problem will restore your foot to its normal alignment. It will re-instate the function of the big toe's joint. During the surgery the large prominent bone is removed. A cut is made into the bone to move it back to its normal position. In severe cases, your practitioner may make use of pins or screws to hold the bone in place.

Ankle or foot fractures are often referred to this type of specialist. It is not easy to recognize a fracture of a bone in your foot. It often has similar symptoms to a sprain, however, a sprain causes swelling and more general pain over a larger area. You should contact your doctor to determine exactly why you are suffering from pain.

You must see your doctor if you suspect that you sprained your ankle. The doctor will usually refer you to a podiatrist to ascertain the exact problem and devise a suitable treatment option. With a sprain, it is vital that the ligaments are allowed sufficient time to heal in the correct position. This will require you to wear a brace around your ankle to remove any undue pressure and keep the ankle in position.

There is a condition called plantar fasciitis which causes inflammation of the foot tissues. The inflammation will cause you to feel pain in your heel. There are excellent non-surgical methods of treatment for this condition, however, there are instances where you may need surgery. Surgery is often the only option if your condition has not responded to long-term treatment.

Foot and ankle surgery is normally carried out by a podiatric surgeon Austin. This is normally in cases where patients do not respond to non-surgical treatment plans. You will be referred to this specialist if you break a bone in your foot or ankle and if you suffer severe sprains.

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