Older Materials Emerge To Make Valuable Contributions Towards Natural Supplements For Men

By Lucille Lamb

In the fitness products manufacturing sector there appears to be a major trend towards the consumption of products from more natural sources. With regards natural supplements for men this is also becoming an important issue.

It seems as if consumers have realized the awesome power of nature and wish to harness some of this into daily dietary regimes. Well there are no shortage of products in this very competitive market, but as with most things in life do all these supplements do what they say on the box?

One old naturally sourced product that appears to be making an impact on male health is extract of olive leaf. This simple substance has been found in some tests to be a powerful antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal agent. This is of particular interest today as increasingly health experts are finding many bacteria are becoming resistant to standard antibiotic treatment.

One issue facing the health care industry is that infectious organisms have, over time, mutated to such a degree they now are capable of withstanding conventional antibiotics. An additional worry is that there is little chance of new antibiotic treatments arriving onto the scene anytime soon. Although in use for hundreds of years in limited locations, extract of olive leaf may begin attracting new significance.

Examining all the impacts this simple substance may have on the male body would fill a small book so only some of the benefits will be mentioned here. Firstly is the prevention of infection from a large number of pathological microbes that include: viral and bacterial infections, retroviruses, fungi, parasites, yeasts and even moulds. The above include the ever present common cold and influenza that seem to plague everyone from time to time.

Second, and of major interest in the current period of rising cardiovascular problems, is the improvement in the elasticity of arterial walls and resultant enhancement of blood flow. The encouraging spin off this may have on high blood pressure and other circulation problems could be of major benefit.

Thirdly sufferers of arthritis may also benefit as the product has been found to provide relief to joints inflamed by this illness. Additional conditions for which the tincture may provide relief are production of free radicals, parasitic and yeast based ailments, chronic fatigue syndrome. A common result amongst users was reports of feeling more energetic and general well being.

There is no great chemical or pharmaceutical breakthrough with olive leaf extract. It was first used for medicinal purposes during Egyptian times, but more recently we have begun to understand how it works. Towards the end of the nineteenth century scientists discovered a compound, since named oleuropein, that provided its therapeutic effect. Further research isolated a substance called elenolic acid to be the active ingredient.

Research at the Universities of Granada and Milan discovered further details about how the substance works chemically. Although this is important research, what is more important for those investigating natural supplements for men, is that for many, women included, it does work. This old secret of the olive tree has enormous health benefits.

Article Source: http://uniquearticlewizard.com