Essential Facts About Wrist Pulse Oximeters

By Lora Jones

The popularity of wrist pulse oximeters has substantially increased throughout the last 2 to 3 years. Millions of individuals now utilize machines of this type to support a healthy lifestyle and help care for themselves in between medical consultations. The main function of such devices is to obtain an accurate measurement of one's oxygen levels and the rate of his or her pulse in a timely manner.

Devices of this kind are easy to use, as all the person must do is put his or her finger in the designated space on the unit and wait for an oxygen level reading, which will be displayed in digital form. As mentioned earlier, the person's pulse will also be measured at this time. There are many reasons an individual may need such a device. Those with respiratory disorders for example, such as emphysema or asthma, may need to discover their level of oxygen saturation from time to time. Those with cardiovascular problems may be told to use such devices on a daily basis to make sure their oxygen levels have not changed.

It is very practical for some people to obtain a pulse oximeter that can be worn on the wrist. Such devices are convenient and can be worn whenever necessary. They are generally easy to use and light weight, and therefore eliminate the need to carry a bulkier, heavier model in a carrying case.

Wrist models can be bought at medical supply companies or via the Internet. However, it is essential to acquire a top quality unit that provides highly accurate results. There are several ways to go about choosing the best model.

One of the first things the consumer should check is whether or not the device he or she is considering is FDA approved. This is important due to the fact that the FDA monitors medical equipment and ensures that a specific level of quality is maintained during the manufacturing of such items. This does not mean that a non-FDA approved machine will not work, but it is always wise to err on the side of caution.

Additionally, it is essential to make sure that any Internet merchant with whom one is planning to do business is reliable. It is never wise to select a device based on price alone. This is because the least expensive model may not be the one that performs the best.

Reading consumer reviews concerning different models is always wise, regardless of whether one shops online or at a traditional bricks and mortar medical supply outlet. Such reviews are helpful, as those who write them have typically used the model they are writing about and can therefore give an unbiased opinion of its quality. Through this avenue one can also determine which businesses provide the best customer service help. Such assistance is vital, especially for individuals who have not used a device of this type in the past.

Because they are both practical and convenient, wrist pulse oximeters will likely remain popular among numerous individuals in the future. Therefore, anyone who suffers from a health disorder that could compromise his or her oxygen saturation should talk to a medical provider about the possibility of acquiring such a machine. Finally, unusual readings should always be reported to one's primary health care practitioner.

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