Easy Pool Party Games For Kids

By Michelle Howe

Pool party games for kids are a great way to keep all of the little ones entertained. On hot Summer days, water based games are a great way to stay cool. These types of games also cost very little money to arrange. Games can be played with just a few kids or an entire crowd.

The purchase of a basic pinata can be turned from a classic party game into an entirely new idea. Instead of blindfolding the participants and having them swing wildly at the pinata, use the pool as part of the fun. Don't even use a blindfold and have the kids swing at the pinata as they run and jump into the water. The prizes hidden inside can include toys capable of floating. When everything floats, there are no worries about losing anything and the bottom or something getting wet that shouldn't be.

Squirt guns, swim goggles and water toys are all good ideas. A mixture of fun and useful items is the best choice. Candy could also be added as long as it is put in some type of water proof case first. Stores where all of their inventory is only $1 are a great place to stock up on all kinds of cheap items for this game.

The children themselves are a good resource for ideas. They will likely come up with items that could be put inside that adults wouldn't think of. Many children love the idea of the game itself so much that they could really care less if there were anything at all inside. In the end, the real fun in this game is the action of swinging to break the pinata while jumping into the water.

Another fun game would be to toss a variety of prizes out into the middle of the pool. Make all of the kids wait around the edges until everything has been tossed in, then turn them loose. Just watching all of the chaos as they try to grab arm loads of prizes and swim at the same time can be quiet entertaining for the adults.

Relay games are also easily adapted into water games. Two separate pieces of rope can be tied across the middle of the pool to get started. The kids should split into two teams. Each team member will race to get across the pool on some that floats, while pulling themselves with the rope. The winner is declared when one team successfully gets each member across and back again.

Instead of using inflatables for this game, life jackets could also be used. They provide the buoyancy need for the game and have the added benefit of safety. This would allow even smaller children, who are unable to swim, to be able to participate. Naturally, an adult should be in the water nearby in case any one needs help though.

It doesn't matter which pool party games for kids that are played, safety is always the main priority. The games should be appropriate for the age of the children playing them. Everyone should have adequate safety gear while in the water as well. A close eye on them as they play is very important for preventing any accidents from occurring.

Article Source: http://uniquearticlewizard.com