5 Must Know Tips For Anyone Desperate to Lose Weight Quickly

By James Lander

There are various times throughout our day that offer opportunities for those of us who are desperate to lose weight quickly. Adding a few steps here, a new idea or way of doing things there, and before you know it, your going from being desperate to lose weight quickly to staring at the incredibly sexy person staring back in the mirror. Here are 5 must know tips for anyone who is desperate to lose weight quickly.

1. Begin by setting aside 45 minutes every single day to walk. Studies done at Duke University have found walking 30 minutes everyday is enough to maintain a persons current body weight, however, walking beyond that creates a state in the body which begins to burn fat and calories. Start walking and taking in the local scenery.

2. Color has been proven to have deeply rooted effects on our emotions, states of mind, and eating habits. The color blue, for example, has been proven to act as an appetite suppressant. By bringing more blue into your life you can actually decrease your craving for food. At the same time, colors such as yellow, red, and orange do the opposite. Think McDonald's for example, lots of these three colors which are specifically chosen for their ability to stimulate and encourage hunger.

3. The next step is a blessing for anyone who is desperate to lose weight quickly. Change your dinnerware and downsize your plates and stick to one plate per meal. This is a psychological technique as well by tricking your mind into seeing the plate full of food but the plate being much smaller which equals less food as well.

4. Find weight loss buddies. Whether these are online or close friends, a good support team or battle buddy in the world of fat loss can make a huge difference in your motivation and progress. This allows for both of you to help motivate the other on days when they need it. Support can often times be the biggest deciding factor in how successful people are at anything they decide to do.

5. Last but not least in our tips for those who are desperate to lose weight quickly is to restock your closet. As you get closer to your goal, throw away the old clothing and replace them with newer sizes. This does two things. The first it does is motivate you as you replace bigger clothing with smaller and smaller clothing and inspires you to keep moving forward. Second, it motivates you to keep the weight off because you no longer have clothing to fit your bigger size.

STOP using pointless and useless diets. STOP doing hours of horrible exercises. It's not your fault that diets fail! START losing weight. Food makes us fat and unhealthy and it can make us thin again. If you really want to know how to lose weight without exercise and diet and still be able to eat what ever you want, then calorie shifting is the healthiest and best answer.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/